Diary of a Wimpy Kid THE MELTDOWN

My title:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid THE SNOWBALL FIGHT
My introduction:

It says on the weather channel it will snow for 14 days straight! That meant a huge snowball fight! Lower street kids vs Upper street kids. Before for the snow arrived Greg's mum introduced a new rule to the house which is no screen weekends. Greg and his brother Rodrick didn't like that idea so they misbehaved on weekends and Manny joined in to ( Greg's baby brother.) When the snow came there was mayhem in the streets.  Greg and his best friend Rowley made a fort of snow..

Author’s Name:
Jeff Kinney
Categories: The best quote is:
My Table Of Contents
The most important event is because

When the Lower street kids came because that made it Lower Street Kids vs Upper Street Kids

The best chapter is because
The adventure would be better if

The upper street kids won

My favourite character is because

Greg because he is the main character 

My worst character is

The Safety Patrol Officers

Characters I would add
Rewrite the Start

Greg wakes up and snowballs are getting thrown at his house by the Lower Street kids

Rewrite the Middle

They stop fighting  and work together to defeat the whirley street kids

Rewrite Ending

The snow turns into hail stones and everyone runs inside.

Rewrite a key event
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